Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So Good!

So as you all know I had an interview on Monday and... I got the job!!!  I'll will be the new kindergarten aide for Christ Covenant School starting August 11th. What's even more amazing than getting the job (which really is an answer to several prayers for me and Andy) is how God brought it all about.

So last week Wendy Glover (Andy's boss's wife) invited me to help with Vacation Bible School at her church Pear Orchard Presbyterian. I decided to go last minute mostly because I was getting down having to be by myself all day long. VBS was good, exhausting, but good. I was able to meet a few people and Wendy gave me the numbers of places to try for possible jobs. On the last day, Friday, at the closing ceremonies, Cathy Haynie (headmistress of Christ Covenant) found me and asked if I'd be interested in meeting with her about the position! What I didn't know at the time was, that a few days previous, as Cathy was mid-sentence telling her assistant that they needed to start praying for a new K-aide (because the previous just quit due to family issues), Wendy Clover comes up to tell her that she needs to meet this Kellie Jeffrey who is new and looking for a job. Then, Cathy secretly observes me in the VBS class and thought I would be a perfect fit! She was her own recommendation :)

The school sounds like a great place to work, small classes, Christian, a holiday every month, how can I not say yes? So thank you all for praying. We are so grateful to God for blessing us so.
And I know you all were wondering what Sat morning birthday surprise was, I hope I didn't keep you in suspense too long. Andy took me to the MS Agricultural and Forestry Museum. It's set up to look like a small village from the 1800's. There's the main museum that had a huge model train exhibit, and then the grounds had a school, church, general store and more that looked just like it did way back when. My camera died early on so I only got a few random pics.

A really large rocker.

I think he's trying to get some lovin' from the females.

Other than the intense heat we had a blast. And afterward Andy took me out to the Cock of the Walk, for some fried catfish and feeding the ducks. Thank you Andy for making my birthday so wonderful. 

Birthday and such

So this is what I woke to yesterday morning! Andy got me beautiful hydrangeas for my 23rd birthday. He also told me to keep Saturday morning free because he has a surprise for me :) I'll have to let you know later what it is!

While Andy was at work, I spent the morning at VBS, and then decided to treat myself in the afternoon. I went to the Jackson Junior League Bargain Boutique (don't you love the name) which is a clothing consignment shop. LOVE this place! I bought:
3 shorts
6 shirts
1 cardigan
1 dress
All for $40!
And almost everything there is name brand, like Ann Taylor, J. Crew, Banana Republic, Gap, and of course target. And I don't really care about labels, but for $4 dollars for a skirt or shorts I'll take it.

And then after that I went to Cups, a coffee shop, and got a caramel white mocha called a Blondie. It was delicious!

When Andy got home, and after opening presents, he took me to an amazing steak and seafood place called Bonefish. SO good!! And as our waitress reminded us, Mississippi is the Hospitality State so she gave us free dessert since it was our first time there! I wish I would have took a pic of that, it was a huge fudgey chocolate brownie with ice cream.

Stuffed and happy we walked around the Renaissance (an out door mall) together enjoying the almost cool weather.

So thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes.


And...I have a prayer request: I have an interview/informal meeting with the Headmistress of Christ Covenant School on Monday and 10am for a teachers aide position. I met her through VBS and Andy's boss's wife (who really was networking all week on my behalf!), and they recently had this position open up.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


One thing that I never figured would be a difficulty post college was finding a church. I grew up going to church each Sunday, knew all my friends and family through church, and even liked church; liked growing, serving, socializing. I married a woman who also grew up going to church, and therefore never thought it would be a difficulty to find one for us. But over the past year of marriage, leaving our college ministry, and many long talks with Kellie, my Dad, siblings and friends, I've realized that finding a church, and even liking church is hard.

Kellie and I had some conflicting ideas when it came to picking a church in Tucson, and therefore decided to spend a week studying what the church is about: why go to church, what to do at church, etc. We read parts of Acts and other New Testament passages as well as listened to sermons by pastor's John Piper and Mark Driscoll. This study was great and rejuvenated us to pursue a church in Tucson. But with a job on the horizon and the high possibility of moving, we never fully invested ourselves.

Now that we are here in Jackson, it seems only logical to plunge in and invest ourselves in a local church. There are two here that we have tried and love for different reasons, but one more so than the other. That one is called Redeemer Presbyterian. We love their theology and our goals in life seem to match up perfectly with theirs.

(here's Redeemer. we love their gospel choir!)

Now, I am one who wants to jump in, meet anyone and everyone, get involved in everything, and become a part of the family here at Redeemer. I mean, that is what we're supposed to do right? This is our future family, our future friends, our future community... we must go, go, go! Well, apparently, the Lord seems to be weaving a different story. Community groups and most Bible studies at Redeemer don't start up until the school year at the end of August. There is an inquirers class, but that too begins later, in September.

Initially, I was bummed to hear such news. Bummed that it would most likely take time to really get to know people at this church. But after talking with Kel today, I've thought that maybe this is good for me. Maybe finding a church isn't so much about doing it fast and hurried, but being patient and committing each step to our Lord. Maybe He is teaching me to not look out just for Andy but to now consider how we, Andy and Kellie, as a family, meet people, get involved and join a church. This is hard for me, definitely new for me, but I think a very good thing for me.

It's pouring right now! And thundering every 10 seconds :)

Thought you'd like a taste of Redeemer's choir   :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Plum Jelly and Chi-Chi's Salsa

Hey ya'll... Andy here. What a crazy two weeks it's been here in Jackson. It's not as different as I thought it'd be but there definitely are some things we're adjusting to. Like the humidity, for one. I mowed our grass yesterday (I bought a $30 pusher-mower off craigslist) and when I came back inside Kellie said she could see the sweat dropping off my face :) We can do heat...but humidity adds a whole new level. Another adjustment we're liking getting used to is everyone's friendliness. Both our next-door neighbors welcomed us with gifts and cards...and one of my co-workers gave Kellie and I some home-made plum jelly and cream cheese pound cake (I'm loving the food out here by the way).

But anyway, yesterday Kellie and I went on an adventure. And by adventure I mean a long, tiring, sweaty walk to our nearest grocery store. I was feeling antsy and wanted to get outside for a while so I convinced Kel to go on a walk with the goal of getting some ingredients for our awesome dinner. Here's how it went:

Here's my sweets ready for a good walk!

Enjoying a nice breeze and bringing our own bag. We are being quite sustainable yea? :)

Kellie's so excited to be walking on a super busy road ;)

Our final destination!

The tortillas (a poor selection compared to Tucson)

My kind of salsa :)

Just a glimpse of how nice most of the homes are around here

And... the delicious meal... which took a little too long to get. I think we'll drive next time.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Afternoon tea

How can I not love him?

He's willing to have afternoon tea with me, really any time that I want. It's one of my most favorite things to do and I am SO happy that Andy likes to too.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Welcome to Mississippi

So we made it! It was a long two days. Thankfully, my parents helped us move and we are very grateful. We were able to fit all we own into our car and my dad's truck. Thank you, also, to everyone who has been praying for us. We've been here a week and still can't believe we are in Mississippi.

So let me show you around our house, which we love despite the lack of furniture:

first day


back yard (We have grass!)

Love our kitchen!

dining room- Andy's boss graciously lent us their camping table to use

Living room- we are in desperate need of a couch
master bedroom (thank you Nana for our entertainment center :))

One of two baths

guest room/office/storage

So that is it. We're settling in and trying to get to know Jackson a little better. A few things we've been praying for and would love your prayers as well are: that we would trust the Lord to provide financially, a job for me (Kellie), a couch, dresser, and dining table.