Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Moving Day!

The day is here and we are moving to our new house!

We have been so blessed by all who have helped us and are continuing to help us in the move. Thank you!

The garden made it safe and sound. :)

UPDATE: We had to wait till andy and our helpers got off of work to move all of the big things. As soon as everyone was on their way it started pouring! We ordered pizza while we waited for the rain to stop, and tried to move a few small things. Finally a little before 9 the rain settled to a sprinkle, the guys set out to at least move our bed for us so we wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. These awesome guys came back with almost everything, and most of it was dry! Such a blessing! 

Now to unpack...oy!

Pics and house tour coming soon (but maybe not as soon as I hoped)! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Goodbye Mold!


We have a house!


Everything is settled with our landlord! Andy was amazing in patiently talking with the guy, yet being honest, and firm, and just a darn good communicator!

Can you believe it?! Thank you for praying for us.

Here is how it all went down:

Last Wednesday I asked for prayer requests at work (our school has a staff prayer time for 5 min each morning).  Immediately after, Sally, a 5th grade teacher, comes up to me to tell me that she has a house for rent. It was a little more than we could pay and not where we were hoping to move but said we would consider it.

Same day, we talked with our land-lord and realized that things would not be as easy as we thought.

Next day, Sally lowers the rent to a ridiculously low price and tells us to check it out.

It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with all the fixin's. Way more than we even need but for the same price we'd be in a 1 bedroom apt!!

Needless to say we accepted her offer. :) I am going to ride my bike to work next year so Andy can have the car. The new house is minutes from my work!

The biggest downside is that we will be in the mold house till the end of May. However, we trust the mold guys opinion and he says we'll be fine as long as we keep the door to the back room shut and not spend any length of time in there.

I continue to be amazed at how God provides for us. We feel so blessed, and undeserving of his patient love toward us.