Tomorrow is the first day of school! I still cannot quite believe it.
I went into this summer worried about not having enough to keep me busy and being home by myself everyday while Andy was at work. I love my alone time, but I can definitely have too much alone time.
That was my prayer at the beginning of the summer to have enough to keep me busy. And I feel like the Lord was faithful in answering that prayer. I had some rough days for sure, but overall it was good!
My "job" this summer was teaching sewing lessons to a few girls from my school. One of my co-workers heard I could sew and asked if I would be willing to teach her daughter. I am so grateful she asked, I had never even considered that as an option for the summer as I was contemplating the dreaded part-time job.
Here's a little taste of what we made. |
We made fabric napkins, a pin cushion, tote bag, and skirt, during six lessons. The girls loved it! They all were around the 5th or 6th grade and thought I was the best sewer ever! How could I not love that. :)
The rest of the time, I worked on verse packs, and read a lot. It was nice, but I'm definitely ready for the school year to start.
And to celebrate I made a pie. A peach pie; which will be my welcome school year breakfast. :)