Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Father's Voice

The past couple weeks I, Andy, have felt like God has been teaching me to slow down and listen to Him. This lesson came to me quickly one afternoon at work while I was reading these two blog posts (Part 1 and Part 2) by Kevin DeYoung during some of my free time. These posts convicted me of the time I spend seeking "knowledge" and "purpose" from the internet. I can so easily waste away a slow afternoon on the internet - jumping from blogs to news to sports to anything - filling my life with noise. The last paragraph of Part 2 was what quickly grabbed my attention and placed the conviction from my head to my heart.

He says,

What if we prefer endless noise to the deafening sound of silence? What if we do not care to hear God’s still, small voice? 

God's still small voice. That's what caught my attention. I was in 1 Kings just that past Tuesday and my reading had covered chapter 19. This is when God summons Elijah to a mountain to ask him something. Verses 11-13 tell of how there was a strong wind, and then an earthquake, and then a fire...but God was not in any of those. Instead it says that the Lord was in the sound of a low whisper; or as the King James Version puts it, "a still small voice."

I believe the Lord brought this passage of scripture to me twice that week to waken me to the truth that it's  not the noise that will comfort me, it's not the knowledge at my fingertips that will plan my life, but rather His voice, Himself who will speak to me. And sometimes that voice is still...sometimes it is small.

So I wrote a song. It relates my earthly father - whom I miss dearly and whose character I admire immensely - to my heavenly Father - whom calls me to slow down, listen, and seek Him. 

Here are the lyrics. Click on the title to listen to the song.

Father wasn't in the field
Father wasn't in the shop
Father wasn't on the streets
Father, he was in our home.

Reading, praying,
quoting to me.
Laughing, crying,
serving family.

Still small voice You cry
Still small voice You pry
Still small voice You try
to speak to me.

Father wasn't in the wind
Father wasn't in the quake
Father wasn't in the fire
Father, he was in the still.

Calling, yearning
for me to slow.
Open, waiting
for me to seek.

Still small voice You cry
Still small voice You pry
Still small voice you try
to speak to me.


Kate said...

Andy, that was amazing. I LOVE the song. Your heart is beautiful and I love to see how God was working in you this week. Your words were a huge encouragement to me. And while these days I don't have free time to slowly pass by, I do have time in the mornings, instead of sleeping in, to try to hear His still small voice. You've challenged me and encouraged me to get off my lazy back and get up a bit earlier in the mornings to try to hear Him. Thanks Andy-man. Love you so much.

jenny said...

Really beautiful Andy. Travis was surprised it was YOU singing. You made a beautiful song and I love your heart, as well, through it. Proud to call you brother and thanks for your encouraging words.

Betsy said...

whoa! there's so many things i love about this song. the melody is beautiful, all the ups and downs, and the layering of the guitar, how simple it starts and then you add more and more to make it full. beyond the musicality, i love how personal of a song it is and how we jeffreys can relate to your description of dad. and that 1 kings passage is so powerful. do you think there might more songs to come from that head of yours? :)