Sunday, August 7, 2011

Catch up...

Kellie and I have been reading through Romans lately. We started last week and have been slowly making our way through it. Yesterday we sat down with some tea and read chapter three together. For me, there is something about reading a book like Romans out loud with someone just seems to make more sense. I like to talk out my thoughts and ask questions and hear what others have to say. In fact, that is how Jon Morris and I started to become close friends.

Here's Jon!

He and I studied Romans our freshman year at Arizona, and absolutely loved it. It was like a light went on in my head of all the truths I had grown up was when the truths became reality and I truly understood what I believed. Anyway, Kellie and I have been going through Romans and loving it. Yesterday was a good time because as we went through chapter three we re-learned some truths: mainly that in our faith (our belief that God justifies us freely) we desire to obey the law (do good deeds) rather than ignore it and do whatever we please (Romans 3:31). It's truths like this that, once I understand them, I desire to search more into the gospel to understand what my life as a Christian is all about. Romans is a great book to do this in and we are both so excited to be reading it.

We've also been enjoying our church. Last weekend we were invited over for a dinner party at a church member's house. It was a great time to socialize and get to know others. It truly is a blessing to know people here in Jackson...especially brothers and sisters in Christ. Today was great also...we met a young couple at church and hit it off with them right away. Kellie actually works (or will be working) with the wife, and they invited us over for dinner tonight! We are pretty pumped :)

Here are a few other things going on in our lives:

 We decided to splurge one night and get Tollhouse cookies. Kellie was SO excited!!

 In excitement for The Hobbit movie that comes out next year, I am reading the Lord of the Rings. I just started the Fellowship of the Ring! I've never actually read them...unless you count my Dad reading them to me and Greg growing up (while I fell asleep most of the time).

We'll be out of town this weekend heading back to California because... My bro get's married to his fine Bride this Sunday! Man, I'm so excited!


jenny said...

Haha! I always remember you falling asleep on the top bunk while Dad read.... and I never understood you. I LOVED reading time, and you'd always pass out. Silly boy. I want to read Tolkien too!

Betty said...

It was your Dad that turned me onto The Lord of the Rings, as well. He was really into the Hobbit and Gandolf, and I felt left out of his excitement until I picked up those books for myself. I appreciate how reading is contagious... Can't wait to see you next weekend!!

Kate said...

Yay! We made it to the fridge! :) Can't wait to see you this weekend. Love you!