Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Birthday and such

So this is what I woke to yesterday morning! Andy got me beautiful hydrangeas for my 23rd birthday. He also told me to keep Saturday morning free because he has a surprise for me :) I'll have to let you know later what it is!

While Andy was at work, I spent the morning at VBS, and then decided to treat myself in the afternoon. I went to the Jackson Junior League Bargain Boutique (don't you love the name) which is a clothing consignment shop. LOVE this place! I bought:
3 shorts
6 shirts
1 cardigan
1 dress
All for $40!
And almost everything there is name brand, like Ann Taylor, J. Crew, Banana Republic, Gap, and of course target. And I don't really care about labels, but for $4 dollars for a skirt or shorts I'll take it.

And then after that I went to Cups, a coffee shop, and got a caramel white mocha called a Blondie. It was delicious!

When Andy got home, and after opening presents, he took me to an amazing steak and seafood place called Bonefish. SO good!! And as our waitress reminded us, Mississippi is the Hospitality State so she gave us free dessert since it was our first time there! I wish I would have took a pic of that, it was a huge fudgey chocolate brownie with ice cream.

Stuffed and happy we walked around the Renaissance (an out door mall) together enjoying the almost cool weather.

So thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes.


And...I have a prayer request: I have an interview/informal meeting with the Headmistress of Christ Covenant School on Monday and 10am for a teachers aide position. I met her through VBS and Andy's boss's wife (who really was networking all week on my behalf!), and they recently had this position open up.


Kate said...

wow!!! i love to see how God has been opening doors and providing for you two. Andy's boss and his family seems awesome. They always seem to be helping you guys out in one way or another. What sweet friends! And is that pretty green dress one that you got at the consignment shop? I Love It! So pretty!

jenny said...

Wow, Kel. That's great about the job. And I love hearing how you are settling in. Makes me happy to know you two are happy. We have a Bonefish Grill here in Wichita and have never been!! Trav and I are set for a date tomorrow night, so maybe we'll try there. Thanks for the tip! Too bad Kansas is not known for hospitality... we prob won't get a free dessert. :-(

Love you guys and Happy Birthday!