Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And so it begins...

Last week my good friend Jill  moved to Alabama, which means I got to see her as she drove through. It was wonderful! Jill and our friend Kate stayed for a night, and it was just refreshing to be around not just good friends, but Arizonans :) It felt as is we were back in Tucson for the night. And the plus side to Jill moving is that she will now be only 3 hours away instead of 22!!

Tomorrow is my first day of work. This week was orientation, and today was an ice-cream social to meet the parents and kids. I love the teacher I am assisting; she is a hoot! Her name is Soyrietta Valentine, and she is VERY southern, which mostly means that she usually needs to explain the meanings for a lot of the phrases she uses. I'm excited but a little nervous. The weirdest part was introducing myself to all the parents as Mrs. Jeffrey, when I'm young enough to be their kid! Oh well :) Wish me luck and pray for energy because I am going to need it.

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