Monday, October 3, 2011

Why I am excited for October...

October is here and it brought cooler weather!

In addition to cooler weather October brings many things that I am excited about:

  1. This month's budgeted money so I can finally start the projects I've been wanting to do, like painting the table and craigslist shopping.
  2. The Fugler's are coming this Friday for the weekend! And we get to see our adorable nieces! 
  3. My parents are coming!! On the 14th they are flying all the way out here to see us (and New Orleans :))
  4. Friday is our Kindergartner's Donuts with Dad Day. Where I get to see our precious chitlens hangout with their dads while I indulge in donuts and coffee (don't worry the kids get juice), for the whole morning and then they go home. Easy! I love Kindergarten!
  5. Monday is a holiday and there is no school! Thank you Columbus!
  6. Also on the 14th is our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch, with more than necessary parents chaperons. (Have I said that I love Kindergarten)
  7. October 20 is our school's Fall carnival.
  8. That it is Fall! And this should be many bullet points but I'll condense: fall scents, sweaters, its no longer hot and humid and nasty outside, the store decorations, and seasonal foods and drinks.
  9. This is my first year living in a place with seasons. I mean this is my first "Fall" ever!
  10. And finally...(drum-roll please) we have something to sit on in October!!!!! A couch!!!!!

Just days after getting the table, Andy's boss asked us if we were still in need of a couch (more than you know!). They had a couch that they did not need anymore and thought of us! And while this couch has been through two very large home-school families (they have 7 kids!!) it's still in pretty good condition. We feel so blessed by the people we have met here in Jackson and their generosity towards us. And we thank the Lord for answering our prayers and teaching us so much in the process. And what's funny is that when we finally had enough money to get a couch, that is when we're given one! The Lord works in mysterious ways.


Betty said...

Oh, Kellie... TOO FUN!! I love Fall too and am glad you get to experience this season first hand :) Also glad you love your job SO much... HUGE blessing. Since I love to shop for house decorations, I admire your discipline and patience in making do with what you have and see how God blesses you with a free table, chairs and now a couch. Enjoy the Fulger's visit too. xoxo

Kellie Jeffrey said...

Thanks Betty :)