Saturday, November 12, 2011

¡Viva la Revolución!

We just switched to almost all homemade cleaning products!

Here is what I bought:

Here is what I made:

And here is all I need to clean my house:

Ingredients I bought:
liquid castile soap
bar soap
baking soda
washing soda
essential oils (optional)
microfiber rags

What I made:
laundry detergent
produce wash
all-purpose cleaner
toilet bowl cleaner
carpet cleaner
window/mirror cleaner
floor cleaner 

Yesterday I took my little blue basket around and cleaned my whole house, including dusting, floors, bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, the whole sha-bang. And it had not been clean in an embarrassing long time, too. And so far I am sold on making my own products. Everything worked really well. Except what I was using for the window cleaner (water and a microfiber cloth). Also I am just using a damp cloth to dust, so I'll need to find something for our wood furniture.  Also I would love to find an easy/good recipe for dish soap.

I made a list of all the product recipes and taped it to the inside of the cabinet with all the supplies so I won't have to go searching every time something runs out.

So more importantly why did I do all this? And is it worth it?

I like the idea of natural, safe products. I love that I don't have to go to the store when something runs out, but that I can make it at home. But what I LOVE is that it just makes sense, and cents as well :).  

The most expensive items are the essential oils and liquid castile soap. Both were between $8-15. However, I probably won't have to buy them again for a few years. That's right, I said years. And everything else cost less than $15 total (and that includes buying 2 boxes of borax, washing soda, and baking soda!) Again, with the exception of things I don't know how to make like dish soap, I don't need to buy cleaning products for almost a whole year! And if I do it will be the most used things like vinegar, and baking soda. So easy, and smart, and efficient, all things that I love.

So if you completely bored or have no desire to make your own products, stop reading here, but if you want the recipes/or what I used for each thing I'll post it below. 

Cleaning Recipe List

All-Purpose Cleaner:
3 tablespoons of distilled vinegar
1/2 teaspoon of washing soda
1/2 teaspoon of castille soap
10 (or so) drops of essential oil (or 1/4 cup of lemon juice)
2 cups of hot water

All-purpose cleaner: * this is the one that I used
2 teaspoons washing soda
4 teaspoons borax
1 teaspoon castille soap
4 cups hot water
10 drops of essential oil

Laundry Detergent:
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
1 bar of grated castille soap

Toilet Bowl Cleaners:
Liquid castille soap
Baking soda or borax
Scrub with a toilet brush.
** I put the soap in a travel bottle and the B.S in a small mason jar with holes punch through the lid. To clean the toilet, I just add a few drops and sprinkle a little/or a lot of B.S depending on how bad the toilet is.

¼ c vinegar and water in a bucket (add essential oils)

I tried water and microfiber cloth, but it was too linty, here’s one I found but haven’t tried yet:
1 c. water
2 T. vinegar
2 T. rubbing alcohol
1 1/2 t. cornstarch

damp microfiber cloth

Oven Cleaner:
Dampen with water
Sprinkle liberally with baking soda
Leave 20 minutes, then scrub until clean.

Microwave Cleaner:
½ c. vinegar
2 c. water
Combine in microwave safe bowl, heat on high for 3-4 minutes, remove bowl and wipe down inside of microwave.

Fruit and Vegetable Wash:
1 cup water
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. baking soda
Spray on produce, wipe after 5 minutes.

Drain Cleaner:
1 c. baking soda first
1 c. white vinegar second
1 gallon boiling water
Allow to foam for 5 minutes before adding water.

Carpet Stain Remover: *** so far I have tried this once on a dirty stain, so far so good
1 part borax
10 parts warm water
Combine in spray bottle. Spray on stain, wait 5 minutes, blot with clean rag.

Carpet Stain Remover:
baking soda
Mix vinegar and baking soda into a paste. Gently work into stain with a toothbrush. Let dry then vacuum completely.

**Still need dish soap :)


Kate said...

those are great kellie! what kind of scent of essential oil did you use? and how do you like your laundry detergent. does it clean as good as the regular stuff? how does is smell?

Kellie Jeffrey said...

I bought lavender (bc it's supposed to be anti-bacterial) and lemon. And for the detergent I didn't notice any difference in our clothes when we switched over. I didn't add any essential oils to it, but you could, so it smells like the castile soap I use. And our clothes come out smelling fresh but with no distinct scent, if that makes sense :)

Betty said...

Wow!! Very impressive and economical. Between homemade candles and now cleaning products, you could start packaging and selling these locally. Too cool :)

Anonymous said...

Kellie, go on line and type in Heloise. She has lots of helpful hints and recipes for making cleaning products, etc. Go,girl you are doing great. Nana